Ttwo months down, 10 more to go. Here’s my monthly progress report:

  1. Write 5 days a week: This month went about the same way January did. This just gives me extra motivation to work harder to meet this goal in March.
  2. Read 100 books: to date, I have read 12 books. To checkout what I’ve been reading, follow me on Goodreads
  3. Read more nonfiction: this month, I only read half of a nonfiction book, but then, it was a short month.
  4. Take at least 1 writing class: no progress to report
  5. Attend 1 writing conference: no progress to report
  6. Write shorter form articles: no progress to report
  7. Get at least 1 freelance article published: no progress to report
  8. Increase my vocabulary: I made an effort to read some books with more advanced word choices this month, including The Word Exchange, which made use of a lot of less common usages of words. I noticed an improvement in the words I used in conversation and in my writing this month. I’m attributing it to my reading choices.
  9. 1 short story a month: My progress is the same as it was last month. I will need to kick it into overdrive in March.
  10. Finish my WIP: no progress to report, though I am feeling good about the progress I made this month.

Come back next month for another update.

2015 Reading Challenge

2015 Reading Challenge
Megan has
read 8 books toward her goal of 100 books.